Our video production team can provide you with high quality, cutting edge videography. Whether a live session recording or a concept video, our experience and facilities allow us the flexibilty to adjust to your project.
We shoot on top-end Cannon DSLRs - the 1DC and the 5D MKIII. These provide us with versitility of lighting and location, and allow us to shoot up to 4k resolution. We are also equipped with a variety of lenses to frame any size of shot and have rental relationships should you require something more bespoke.
Our in house lights are colour adjustable LED flat-panels that are easily portable and provide us with low-heat, high quality lighting
Consider the selection below and email or call us to discuss a quote for your project
Fairlight Studios | Live Session Video
Leo Wyatt of LateNightTales and Jack Ducker Jamming Session
Tapestry - In For The Kill
Ealswitha - Master Plan